Saturday, March 22, 2008

The logical next step is, the end!

"Everything has an expiry date"

A friend keeps accrediting me for coming up with this line! I am not too sure whether I really did blaspheme or was she hallucinating. For sure, I couldn't have ignored the obvious exceptions, but considering the hypothetical situation that I really did slander, my apologies to Bacchus!

Since this isn't a post about single malt or crushed grapes, we shall for the time being disregard the exceptions and move on to things more important than mere merry making...

Some live for money, others for love and still others for even more irrelevant things! But there seems to be a tragic similarity in their attitudes (which my friends in another department would be all too excited to discover), whatever be the ulterior missions they are living out their life times for.

You make your first million! And you start chasing more...

You impress the female you've always had a crush on! You claim to be in love and soon you realize that you ought to be chasing someone else...

"There's a time to live, but isn't it strange that as soon as you are born, you are dying!"

It is not the dream that is exciting. It is the chase, the challenge, that will realize the dream. And once Troy has been won, you start searching for other mythical property to rule over. Some call it greed, others ambition, the fact is that whatever be the reasons, it always is the chase which keeps one going and with it's end is the end of whatever inspired it!