Thursday, April 10, 2008

To hope is to fear...

You drop random hints,
And she wouldn’t take those.
And then you think and realize,
What the hell, life’s best alone!

But when you sit all by yourself,
The images start flashing in your head.
The holding of hands and the swaying to the music,
And the things eternal, to which these could have led.

So futile it is to imagine things, to dream of days better than the past,
The only sensible thing to do, is enjoy the moment till it lasts.
‘Cause come what may and what may go, since nothing ever stays forever,
Those memories will always ensure, there is hope around, you need whenever.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Just too far away...

With sleepless eyes you look up to the skies,
The ground underneath still white with snow.
And as the sun fills with people the streets,
You wish to a friend you could go!

With a longing to step out of the glass walls,
Forgetting what is lost, discovering that could still be won.
Away from all humanity, into eternal fantasy,
Ignoring there still is work to be done!

And as the reality sets in slowly,
It is a cruel world you find we live in.
Despite the summer sun and all the snow melting,
Your fantasies you realize won't get close enough!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Whatever, Whenever, Wherever

It is odd for a man of my age to sit around idly on a Saturday evening typing random thoughts on his firm-provided laptop, when random chicks are walking by in front of him, all so prettily dressed, all set to party! I shall blame it on the curse. The curse which was only supposed to be a random joke in my friend circle in college, seems now to be the truest prophecy! And sadly it has come true for me, more times than I should have preferred...

What else is a stranger in a strange land supposed to be doing on a Saturday evening when the only reason why he is in this strange land is to work his ass off for the firm which pays him his meager salary and provides him with this laptop. It is surprisingly odd how what you wish for turns out to be not the most desirable situation you would want to end up in. I guess I will only have to outlive the prophecy. What if I was this Asterix reading, Futurama watching, Algorithms discussing, Puzzle solving, socially incapable moron in college? Change is undeniably the most important aspect of life and the evening is still very young!

To you, Mount Royal!